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Would you like to add an entry in American Powerball as well for the Wednesday, February 19, 2025 draw? The jackpot is US$195 MILLION

USD$27 - American Powerball for 4 games x 1 draw

Japan Jumbo Draw
PRICE $ 0.00
American Powerball
DRAW INFO American Powerball for 4 games x 1 draw
SELECTED NUMBERS Numbers are pre-selected.
DRAW DATE Wednesday, February 19, 2025
PRICE $ 27.00
SUB TOTAL $ 0.00
TOTAL $ 0.00

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"CVV" is an abbreviation for "Card Verification Value", it is an important feature ensuring security when you are using your credit card for transactions on the Internet and over the phone.

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All entries received after the May deadline will be automatically entered in the "Dream" Jumbo Draw in June 20, 2024.

Next Draw:

Tuesday, Mar/18/2025

Enter Asia's Richest Prize Draw from anywhere in the World!

The Japan Jumbo Draw is the largest and highest paying amongst all Japanese Takara-kuji ("treasure" or "fortune") Lotteries. In fact, with the exception of the Spanish El Gordo Draw, it's the biggest Lottery Draw in the world.

And it's a Draw very few people outside Japan ever have the chance to win.

Tickets in Japan's Jumbo Draws are sold exclusively by the Mizuho Bank for a limited time period before each draw. And because the Draws are so popular, Ticket sales stop as soon as all Tickets are sold… often before the announced sales period is over. This naturally leaves little opportunity for foreign players to take part. In fact, until 2003, entry into the Japanese Jumbo Lottery Draw has never before been offered to players living overseas.